I've had such a hard year last year. I never thought I'd be in the mental space i'm in today. To have the will power to push through my troubles, its honestly worth it. Seeing things how i always wanted to, to see things clearly and finally do what i want to.... what I know I can. Consistency had ALWAYS been key for me personally. I have the talent, I just didn’t have the drive. I'd start things and never finish them because I got discourage so easily. I, til this day don’t know why that is, because I literally can do what ever it is I'm trying to at the time. I realized that wanting more for myself and doing little to get it doesnt really do hand in hand. I've lost a lot but I've gained so much more, and I choose to see life in a more positive light. I aim to be more focused on what I do have in the moment and even make that space to have more in the future.
Sometimes its ok to lose yourself. Thats apart of growth.
xoxo ap.
Talking about a hard year last year! Omg my life has been insane for the past 4 1/2 years but I kept pushing myself & being my own reminder that “There is light at the end of the tunnel”. I’m in a great place now however, the devil is still at work! #keeppushing